
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive." - Van Wilder


My name is Steph Bruce. I'm a professional distance runner, a mom of 3 who motivate and inspiring my journey as a mom and athlete. I helped found and run the energy bar company Picky Bars alongside Lauren Fleshman and Jesse Thomas for 10 years. I live and train in Flagstaff, AZ. I have been running professionally for the past 12+ years with many setbacks, and many triumphant moments.  I’ve been 10th, 11th, and 13th at the NYC Marathon, 10th at the London Marathon, 6th at Chicago, 12th at Boston. I won my first national title at the 2018 Peachtree Road Race and my 3rd title at 38 in 2022. But you know what else? I am more than my running accolades. We all are more than our titles and our wins and losses.

I'm a mom, a wife, a dreamer, a surviver, a griever and a believer. I have learned humor, perspective, empathy, and a positive outlook can go a long way.  I’m a running nerd to the core, and love to be transparent as possible when it comes to my running career, parenting, and life.  I used to believe making an Olympic Team was going to define my running career, until I didn't make one, 4 times. I wondered what more is there in running than simply success measured by a number or a place? It's who we become striving to be our best. For me it's sharing the journey from start to finish with all the messy in between. It means leaving a mark on the sport in wherever my passion lies. Even if it's a different path than how most people are doing it, my mom used to say "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything."  

“Rocky” Sylvester Stallone says “if I can still be standing on my feet, you know what, then life isn’t so bad. And if you can say symbolically at the very end of our lives, we were never humbled, we were knocked down, but we got up. I can say I lived life with integrity. I took all the blows and I still prevailed, I think that’s a good epitaph for anyone. 
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